"Protection for your every need"
  • Corporate security guard services
  • Detective investigation services
  • Home Surveillance
  • Retail surveillance


Theft, Robbery and burglary are the major concerns for any company, establishment and most importantly a threat to national economy. 

  • Most Retail Stores and Companies underestimate the extent of internal theft.
  • Were it not for these criminals, retail/company profits would be 30% higher
  • Most staff out of sheer negligence and lack of accountability or consistent supervision passively lack the drive to maximize their efforts in the company where they earn their living.


We have developed procedures for conducting risk assessments to determine the precise risks that clients face in the routine deliver of their services.  In some cases there are quite cursory visits.  In others, they can take days, following a prescribed methodology and reporting matrix



Highly visible uniformed guards give reassurance to the customers and act as a deterrent to violent behaviour.  The very presence of a uniformed guard suggests a company is caring for both its customer and staff safety.



The company employs force of plain clothes security officers trained to combat customer and internal theft, they also assist in health and safety and the fire prevention auditing.